1. Embrapa Florestas, Brasil
ABSTRACT Precision silviculture is being developed to manage and improve Calophyllum brasiliense, a tree species associated with wet and swampy soils. This study estimated genetic parameters for growth traits in response to soil resistance as an auxiliary tool for identifying and selecting progenies adapted to water-saturated soils. This was undertaken in a progeny test of C. brasiliense in which 1,200 seedlings grown from seeds collected from a natural population were planted in a randomized complete block design for single-tree plots. Genetic statistical analysis was conducted using the REML/BLUP method. Significant differences (p<0.01) in diameter at breast height were observed among the progenies. The coefficients of genetic variation and heritability at the individual and progeny levels were low for diameter at breast height and height, indicating low genetic control for these traits, while high positive and significant genetic and phenotypic correlations were detected between diameter at breast height and height. Theoretical genetic gains and multivariate statistical analysis indicated three groups of progenies with different degrees of tolerance and adaptability to flooded soils, which could be useful in future breeding programs for this species, although further analysis at advanced ages is still required. The mean heights of tolerant and sensitive progenies were 12 and 58%, respectively, lower than the theoretical values, indicating that constant soil flooding is harmful to this species.