1. Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
2. USP, Brazil
3. Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil; Universidad Central del Ecuador, Ecuador
4. Universidade Federal da Fronteiras Sul, Brazil
Abstract: Enteric disease is a multifactorial problem in chickens, which causes gastrointestinal alterations, elevated feed conversions and impairment. In the last years, several enteric viruses were implicated in enteric disease; case reports have shown their presence alone or in concomitant infections during outbreaks and have suggested that they might be determining factors in the aetiology of enteric disease. This study shows high detection rates of enteric viruses in the pancreas and spleen in samples from an outbreak of enteritis and malabsorption in 16 chicken flocks (n=80 broilers). Avian nephritis virus (ANV) was the most ubiquitous virus, present in 75% of the flocks followed by avian rotavirus group A (ART-A) with 68.75%, and by chicken astrovirus (CAstV) and chicken parvovirus (ChPV) in 43.75% of samples. Viruses were present in the pancreas of positive flocks at extremely high rates: 100% for ART-A, 91.7% for ANV, 100% for CAstV and 57.14% for ChPV. By contrast, only 16.7% and 57.14% of intestine samples were positive for ANV and CAstV, respectively. Avian reovirus (AReo) and avian adenovirus group 1 (FAdV-1) were not detected. These results suggest that high viral detection rates in pancreas samples may be a result of viremia during enteric disease, with subsequent damage of the exocrine pancreas, leading to runting-stunting syndrome (RSS).
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