Literacy practices and shared repertoire by teachers who teach mathematics


Silva Neomar Lacerda da1ORCID,Oliveira Andréia Maria Pereira de2ORCID


1. Rede Estadual da Bahia, Brasil

2. Universidade Federal da Bahia, Brasil


ABSTRACT This article aimed to identify and describe engagement in teaching literacy practices in which teachers who teach mathematics participated. We used a qualitative approach and analytical tools from the Social Theory of Learning and literacy as a social practice to identify and describe interactions with the uses of reading and writing in study meetings and lesson planning held in a public school. The empirical material was produced through observations, interviews, and documents. The results suggest that members engaged in literacy events mediated both by prescriptive texts and by texts produced by the group itself to organize the repertoire. However, the constitution of the shared repertoire occurred through engagement in literacy practices recognized and valued in the group. Although prescriptive texts guide the practices, the repertoire was not limited to these prescriptions, passing through the various social engagements of those involved.



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