Growth, assimilate partition and yield of melon charenthais under different shading screens


Pereira FHF1,Puiatti M2,Finger FL2,Cecon PR2



2. UFV


In this experiment we evaluated the growth, partition of assimilates and yield of melons type hybrid Charenthais 'Fleuron' under different shading nets. The experiment was conducted at Federal University of Viçosa, from November 24, 2003 to March 11, 2004. The treatments consisted of four growth environmental conditions, as follows: control (full sun), and under Aluminet® 30%-O, Cromatinet® 30%-O, Sombrite® 30%, with reduction of photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) of 30.85%, 35.9% and 32.0%, respectively. The experiment was arranged in a complete random design with four replicates. For the periodically evaluated characteristics we used a sub divided parcel 4 x 7 with the growing conditions in the parcel and the evaluations on the sub parcel (0, 14, 28, 42, 56, 70 and 84 days after transplantation). Among the shading nets, overall growth was superior under Aluminet® 30%-O, with similar plant height, length and number of internodes, number of leaves per plant, leaf dry weight, total and commercial yield of fruits and greater leaf area per plant compared to control at full sun. The low number of daily radiation (4.47 hours) and the good growth and yield of the melon when shaded by 30.85% with Aluminet® 30%-O, are indicatives that this culture does not require elevated levels of radiation as mentioned before. The growth of melon under partial restriction of light is promising, opening opportunities to production in new environments as agroforestry systems and associated cultivations.




Horticulture,Plant Science,Soil Science

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