1. Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brasil
2. Prefeitura Municipal de São José dos Pinhais, Brasil
ABSTRACT Objective: To interpret the cultural practices of health care and illness of elderly people descendants of Ukrainians. Method: Qualitative research developed with two family general informants and 22 elderly key informants, from August 2017 to March 2020, in a rural community, analyzed through domains, taxonomies and cultural theme. The cultural theme is based on the Theory of Culture Care Diversity and Universality. Results: Four cultural domains and taxonomies and a cultural theme emerged. In the cultural theme, the term “purity” represents the practices that can be maintained by the elderly, family and community. The term “hidden face of danger” are practices that require negotiations and restructuring, however, they occupy a valuable space for cultural preservation. Final considerations: The cultural practices of health care and illness of the elderly were shaped both by the culture of Ukrainian origin, as well as by the culture of their current belonging, the Brazilian one.