1. Clínica Privada, Brasil; Universidade Federal de Goiás, Brasil
2. Universidade Federal de Goiás, Brasil
ABSTRACT Objective To compare dimensions of natural maxillary anterior teeth and several denture teeth molds and also address differences between genders. Methods A single examiner with a digital caliper measured dental casts of 41 males and 55 females in order to determine CIW (central incisor width), CIL (central incisor length) and WS (width of anterior teeth on a straight line). In addition, WC (width of anterior teeth on a curve) was measured with a flexible ruler. These parameters were also observed on three denture teeth mold charts: Premium Pala, Vivodent and Trilux. The comparison between genders was analyzed using Student’s t-test (?=.05), while absolute frequencies within several ranges were used to compare natural and denture teeth. Results CIW, CIL, WS and WC obtained from males were significantly higher than those found for females (p<0.05). CIW of nearly half of natural and denture teeth were within 8.0–8.5 mm. Almost half of natural teeth presented CIL values within 10.6–11 mm, while the highest frequency of denture teeth was observed within 9.6–10 mm. The majority of natural and denture teeth presented WS values within 42 to 49 mm. Only one denture teeth chart described WC values, which were mainly observed within 44–51 mm, while the majority of WC values obtained from natural teeth ranged from 48 to 55 mm. Conclusion Some commercially available denture teeth present dimensions not observed in natural teeth. Teeth dimensions in function of gender differences must be considered when selecting denture teeth.