1. Health Secretariat in Turuçu, Brazil
2. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, Brazil
3. Universidade de Passo Fundo, Brazil
A descriptive study with a qualitative approach that aimed to identify the repercussions of ostomy construction on the living process of people with an ostomy. The study was performed at a Stomatherapy Service from a university hospital in southern Brazil, in the first semester of 2011, with eight patients. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews, and they were analyzed by thematic analysis. We found that the surgery happened to prevent patient deaths. Patients presented themselves as disheartened, angry, sad, having doubts, and they sought to keep the ostomy a secret. They were concerned with the acquisition of resources for self-care. They may present complications and experience embarrassing situations because of the stoma. However, they perceived that they could live with a stoma and regain joy. We concluded that they were able to reframe their lives. We highlight the role of nurses, enabling them for self-care, constituting part of their social support network, helping them to become able to live independently.
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10 articles.