Zoomingin on quartzitic outcrops: micro-habitat influences on flora and vegetation


Badia Clara da Cruz Vidart1ORCID,Messias Maria Cristina Teixeira Braga2ORCID,Echternacht Livia2ORCID


1. Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Brazil; Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, Brazil

2. Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, Brazil


Abstract Rock outcrop vegetation is recognized worldwide by its singular and biodiverse flora. Campo Rupestre forms hyperdiverse mosaics in rocky environments across a wide latitudinal and altitudinal gradient, with high species turnover at macro- and micro-scales. The surrounding biomes, climate, and geological formations are the main drivers of species turnover on a macro-scale while micro-habitat seems to be the main one determining the peculiarities of the Campo Rupestre on a micro-scale. In a quartzitic Campo Rupestre area we evaluate how the outcrop micro-habitats influence floristic composition and functional traits. The study area is located in the municipality of Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais state, southeastern Brazil. Two main outcrop habitats were considered: top surfaces, with bare rock, shallow depressions and ephemeral ponds; and lateral surfaces, with clefts and crevices. We recorded the vascular species, their respective life-forms (according to Raunkiaer’s system) as well as their coverage in 18 plots. We identified 71 species in 31 families. The floristic spectra and species composition were similar between top and lateral surfaces. There was no significant difference among the vegetational spectra. However, hemicryptophytes were slightly dominant on top, while on the sides chamaephytes were the dominant life-form. Understanding plant adaptations to these environments provides insights into the mechanisms underlying geomorphological heterogeneity in plant communities.




Horticulture,Plant Science








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