Ascomycota in the litter of Inga edulis and Lafoensia pacari in an Atlantic Forest remnant in southeastern Bahia state, Brazil


Miranda Priscila Silva1ORCID,Oliveira Thaiana Santos1ORCID,Luz Edna Dora Martins Newman2ORCID,Santos Maiara Araújo Lima dos3ORCID,Bezerra José Luiz4ORCID


1. UESC - State University of Santa Cruz, Brazil

2. Cocoa Research Center, Brazil

3. Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil

4. UFRB - Federal University of Recôncavo da Bahia, Brazil


Abstract The Ascomycota population in the litter of Inga edulis and Lafoensia pacari trees was identified and its richness was evaluated. The collections were carried out from October 2018 to July 2019. Twenty fallen leaves were collected in different stages of decomposition. The leaf samples were carefully washed in running water and incubated in humid chambers. The fungal structures were mounted in PVLG resin and observed under a light microscope. The identification was done by consulting the specific literature. Distribution studies included richness, frequency, constancy, and similarity of the fungal populations. The total richness was 48 species and 36 genera corresponding to 58.33% in I. edulis and 60.41% in L. pacari. Most taxa had sporadic frequency and accidental constancy. There was low similarity between plant species. Ascomycota populations are well represented in Inga edulis and Lafoensia pacari litter. Richness, frequency, constancy, and similarity of these populations varied little in function of the collection date, climate and host plant. Lower richness observed in the second collection may reflect the effect of reduced humidity observed in that time of the year.




Horticulture,Plant Science

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