1. Faculdades Pequeno Principe, Brasil
2. Hospital Nossa Senhora das Graças, Brasil
3. Faculdades Pequeno Principe, Brasil; Hospital Nossa Senhora das Graças, Brasil
ABSTRACT Objective: assess pain and opioid consumption in patients undergoing anesthetic techniques of spinal erector plane block and local anesthetic block in video-assisted thoracic surgery in the immediate postoperative period. Methods: ninety-two patients undergoing video assisted thoracic surgery were randomized to receive ESPB or BAL before starting the surgical procedure. Using the numerical verbal scale, the primary outcome assessed was the patient’s pain in the immediate postoperative period (POI). The secondary outcome comprises the assessment of opioid consumption in the IPP by quantifying the medication used in an equianalgesic dose of morphine expressed in milligrams, in the immediate post-anesthetic recovery period, 6h, 12h, and 24h after surgery. Results: the EVN scores in the LBA and ESPB group in the POI had a mean of 0,8 (±1,89) vs 0,58 (±2,02) in the post-anesthesia care room (REPAI), 1,06 (±2,00) vs 1,30 (±2,30) in 6 hours of POI, 0,84 (±1,74) vs 1,19 (±2,01) within 12 hours of POI and 0,95 (±1,88) vs 1 ( ±1,66) within 24 hours of POI, all with p>0.05. Mean opioid consumption in the BAL and ESPB groups in the POI was 12.9 (± 10.4) mg vs 14.9 (±10.2) mg, respectively, with p = 0.416. Sixteen participants in the ESPB group and seventeen in the BAL group did not use opioids during the first 24 hours of the PO analyzed. Conclusion: local anesthesic block and ESP block techniques showed similar results in terms of low pain scores and opioid consumption during the period evaluated.