Out of nine vices in pigeons’ behaviour and expression through vices or bad habits were scientifically described. Within these there were food related vices 2=22.22%, nervousness 1=11.11%, fight and sexual both 3=22.22%. Devoid of original pair mating its male partner tries to mate with another squab or female of different pair which considered great vices in pigeons for losing its purity. Fighting vices are related to sexual characteristics and that is why result suggests that in both cases the occurrence of the percentage is same. Food related vices are in second position and nervousness is psychological. All bad habits come in pigeons due to maladaptive or abnormal environment and some from their abnormal physiology. From the above vices pigeon keepers face food losses, inbreeding depression and purity, and their fighting causes injuries of chicks. Careful and keen handling of pigeons is the precursor for avoiding such vices.