Morphology and distribution of Laurencia sp.1 (Ceramiales, Rhodophyta) from Myanmar


Pa Kyaw Soe Pa


The plants of Laurencia sp. 1 were collected from Nyaw Byin (Lat. 13˚40′N, Long. 98˚00′E) to Sittwe (Lat. 20˚08′ N, Long. 92˚54′E) of Myanmar from 1987 to 2019. Laurencia sp.1 was characterized by the absence of corps en cerise within each superficial cortical cell, and lenticular thickenings in the walls of medullary cells, and the presence of secondary pit-connections between cortical cells, four pericentral cells per axial segment and tetrasporangia formed in the apical portion of the lateral axis with a parallel arrangement and cystocarps with one or more ostioles, based on the external and internal morphologies of both the vegetative and reproductive structures. The distribution and some ecological notes along with potential uses of this species were briefly described.


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General Medicine

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