Management analysis of clinical processes opened in outpatient consultations at Mavalane general hospital between 2019 and 2021


Pires GermanoORCID,Muamine ElídioORCID,Gilberto LindaORCID


The clinical archive is the sector that stores and preserves patient information in clinical processes whose management involves collecting and managing a large portion of important information related to each patient, such as personal, clinical data, care data, consultations and any procedures performed in the hospital environment. The objective of this work was to analyze the management process of clinical processes opened in the outpatient clinics of the Hospital Geral de Mavalane, in the period from 2019 to 2021. Methodologically, the research followed a qualitative approach and had as its object of study all clinical processes opened in external consultations between the years 2019 to 2021 and as a target group a total of 20 employees who deal directly with the management of clinical processes, consisting of administrative assigned to the clinical archive sector, external consultations and wards. Data collection was based on in-depth interviews and documentary records. The semi-structured interview guide was used as an instrument for data collection and at the end the information collected was analyzed according to its content. The results showed that the loss of clinical files is a reality at the Mavalane General Hospital and that from 2019 to 2021, it increased by about 0.3%, they also showed that the clinical archive does not have a computerized system for patient data and which has only one employee assigned to the service, which directly affects the quality of the clinical file management process. The research concluded that the lack of staff in the clinical archive directly contributes to the deficient management of clinical files and, consequently, to the loss and duplication of processes in the clinical archive. The research also concluded that Medicine, Surgery and Gynecology consultations were the ones with the highest number of loss of clinical processes during the years under study


MedCrave Group, LLC

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