Radiofrequency treatment of labial hemangioma


Ocando Julio CasasORCID,Vázquez López,Rincón Jhoan Alfonzo


Localized vascular lesions, hyperplastic or permanent dilation of vascular origin, not inflammatory or degenerative, are called angiomas. These hyperplasias may be of lymphatic vessels (lymphangiomas) or arterial vessels (hemangiomas), or both (hemolymphangiomas). Hemangioma is one of the most common benign tumors of vascular origin, present in childhood, located in the head and neck area (60%), the first location being the lip, followed by the tongue and palate; variable size, bright red or bluish red color, diagnosis by pressure changing color or by a puncture. A hemangioma can be flat, cavernous, papular, stellar, tuberous, and tumorous; characterized by three stages: endothelial cell proliferation, rapid growth, and spontaneous involution. Spontaneous resolution in 50% of cases and 90% of lesions before 9 years are solved. 20% of the cases are complicated, and the most frequent are ulcers with or without infection. Various procedures are described to solve it: surgery, cryosurgery, electrocoagulation, mechanical compression, systemic and intralesional corticotherapy, sclerotherapy, interferon alfa-2a, propranolol, selective embolization, laser therapy (DIODE, CO2, Nd: YAG) and radiotherapy; sometimes leaving as sequelae of treatment, scars. We present a case of a 25-year-old female patient with a labial hemangioma who had undergone two previous procedures, embolization, and arterial clip, without success. We use radiofrequency (coblation) since it is a method that allows achieving ablation, resection, coagulation, and hemostasis of blood vessels, with good results for the patient after its use, we carry out a systematic review of the hemangioma and the use of the coblator, in English and Spanish (Google Scholar, Cochrane, ResearchGate, Medline_Pubmed, LILACS, ScIELO, Medigraphic). Keywords: hemangioma, benign head and neck tumor, coblator, vascular malformation, radiofrequency surgery.


MedCrave Group Kft.


General Medicine

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