Effectiveness of website application (Sumiferos) for preventing anemia with pregnant women compliance in consuming Fe tablets


. Rosmaria,Utama Sri Yun,Hindriati Titik,. Diniyati


Background: The consumption of Fe tablets needs to be the attention of midwives as one of the spearheads in providing antenatal care services. Due to the low level of compliance of pregnant women to consume Fe tablets, it is necessary to provide appropriate counseling as an effort to increase compliance with Fe tablets. Objective: This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of the application model (Sumiferos) for preventing anemia with pregnant women compliance in consuming Fe tablets at Putri Ayu Health Center in Jambi city. Materials and methods: This study used a quasi-experimental research design with a post-test design by involving an intervention group and a control group (post-test), two group designs. With the total of 70 subjects;the intervention group, 35 respondents were given a website application (sumiferos), and a control group 35 respondents were given a leflet. After a month, the number of Fe tablets that have been consumed was monitored. Compliance of pregnant women in consuming Fe tablets required a monitoring or supervisioncarried out by health workers. Therefore, an intervention was given by using a website-based application (sumiferos) for pregnant women as a communication tool that has been created and designed previously by researchers. Results: Posttest statistical analysis showed that pregnant women who were given a website application (sumiferos) in the intervention group showed better compliance than pregnant women in the control group given lefket. Conclusion: Based on the results,a website application (sumiferos) is more effective than leaflets in improving maternal compliance to consume Fe tablets given by health workers.


MedCrave Group, LLC


General Medicine

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