Bronchogenic cysts are rare unusual congenital cysts, resulting from abnormal budding of the primary tracheobronchial tube and can be located either in the mediastinum or in the pulmonary parenchyma. They remain asymptomatic in most adults unless they are large to compress adjacent structures or infected. We report a case of a 43-year-old woman, who presented recurrent episodes of hemoptysis low abundance 4 months ago revealing a huge mediastinal cystic formation, initially taken as a hydatid cyst, the chest CT showed a voluminous cystic formation of 11,4x10, 9x8, 8 cm exerting a mass effect on the posterior mediastinal structures: the superior vena cava, the azygos vein, and the trachea. The diagnosis as a bronchogenic cyst is done after resected by uniportal video-assisted surgery (VATS), and histological confirmation. The patient does not present any complications or reoffending during the follow-up. The rarity of this entity and even more a rare association of this lesion with symptoms of hemoptysis led to the report of this case. This case illustrates the interest of uniportal VATS for the extirpation of the bronchogenic cyst. We recommend a complete exeresis in most cases to confirm the diagnosis, relieve symptoms, and prevent complications.