Postpartum intra-uterine contraceptive device utilization among mothers who delivered at debre tabor general hospital: cross sectional study design


Tiruneh Dawit


Introduction: Rapid population growth is a major concern of many states globally including our country Ethiopia. The intrauterine device (IUD) is a long term reversible contraceptive method that is suitable for women of all reproductive ages, and represents the most cost effective reversible method for preventing unwanted pregnancies. However, its utilization in Ethiopia is very low as compared to other contraceptive methods. Objective: To assess postpartum intra-uterine contraceptive device utilization among mothers who delivered and seek immunization service at DTGH, North Central Ethiopia. Methods: Facility based cross sectional study design was conducted from November 17, 2017, to January 01, 2018. A total of 182 respondents were interviewed. Systematic random sampling procedure was used to select each eligible study unit as a participant. Data were collected by Midwifery professionals through face to face interview through structured questionnaires under supervision. The data collectors and supervisors were trained prior to data collection. Pretest was conducted on 5% of the study population to check for the accuracy of tools. Confidentiality was also protected by making the data collection procedure anonymous. The association between dependent and independent variables were determined by descriptive statistics of chi square test using SPSS version 20.0 software and p-values of <0.05 were considered as statistically significant. Result: One hundred eighty two mothers were interviewed to assess IUCD utilization after giving birth at DTGH with a response rate of 97%. Only 6 respondents (3.3%) are currently using IUCD after giving birth to 9 months of their post partum period. Acceptances of IUCD with P of 0.004 and Reasons for refusal of IUCD with P value of 0.035 were some of statistically associated variables for utilization of PP IUCD. Conclusion: PP IUCD utilization in the study area is low as compared to other similar studies (3.3%). There are major discrepancy between acceptance level (37.91%) and PP IUCD utilization. Responsible bodies should address the reason for this major discrepancy to minimize the gap.


MedCrave Group, LLC

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