Pull-through, a salvage technique?


Vale Martins Rita,Ribeiro João,Alves Paulo,Mira Paulo,Rocha Ricardo


The pull-through technique with deferred anastomosis was described in 1961 by Turnbull and Cutait. Although classically used for the treatment of Hirchsprung's disease, its indications have been expanded over time, and it is currently applied for salvage surgery or as a primary option in surgery for benign or malignant pathology of the rectum in patients requiring ultra-low anastomosis. Because it represents a salvage for avoiding a permanent ostomy, it is an important technique in the colorectal surgeon's arsenal. The aim of this article is to review the technique, its indications and the results obtained with it.


MedCrave Group Kft.

Reference13 articles.

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5. Two-Stage Turnbull-Cutait Pull-Through Coloanal Anastomosis for Low Rectal Cancer: A Randomized Clinical Trial;Biondo;JAMA Surg,2020








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