Diversity of water insect types in various fish farming pond lands in Pekajang Village, Lingga Regency, Riau Islands Province


Eddiwan KamaruddinORCID


The presence of insects in an ecosystem varies greatly, and the diversity of insects in various Fish Farming Pond lands can act as polydonatur insects, pests, parasites, or predators for other aquatic animals. Referring to the role of insects, this study aims to determine what insects are found in various Fish Farming Pond lands, to analyse the diversity of aquatic insects, and to analyses environmental factors that influence the existence of these aquatic insects. This research was conducted in Pekajang Village, Lingga Regency in July-August 2022. The sampling technique was carried out using pitfall traps, light traps, and sweep nets, and the data obtained were analysed using the Shannon-Wiener diversity index. The results showed that aquatic insects at the research location were from the families Acrididae, Coccinelidae, Libellulidae, Mantidae, Nymphalidae, Papiolinidae, Pieridae, and Tettigonidae, the highest diversity of the 11 families found with the highest value H=1.34andthelowestH=0.26. The results of environmental parameter measurements at the research location showed that the air temperature in the morning, afternoon, and evening ranged from 260C-280C, 270C-310C, 250C-360C, and the air humidity around the fish farming pond area ranged from 60% -70%, soil pH ranged from 6 and soil humidity ranged from 2%.


MedCrave Group Kft.

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