Simulation of Rock-Water Interaction in the Southwestern Part of El Minya Governorate of Egypt


Asmoay Ahmed A.1,Mousa Ibrahim E.2,Mabrouk Walid A.3


1. Geological Science Department, National Research Centre 1 , Al-Behoos St., Dokki, Cairo 12622, Egypt .

2. Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, Banha University 2 , Egypt

3. Water Resources Research Institute, National Water Research Center 3


Abstract Twenty-one groundwater samples were picked up from the southwest of El Minya Governorate, Egypt. These samples’ physicochemical characteristics were analyzed. Using a water quality index software (WQI) and the United States Salinity Laboratory (USSL) staff chart, water samples were assessed for drinking and irrigation applications. The interaction between water and rock was assessed using the saturation index (SI), chloro-alkaline indices (CAI), Gibbs ratios (GC and GA), end-member diagram (END), corrosion ratio (CR), factor analysis, and dendrogram. Datasets elucidated that water samples were distinguished by SO42-, Na+, and Cl- dominance, excessive mineralization, hardness, and fresh to slightly saline water. The examined water is divided into two types: SO4. Ca-Cl. Mg (30%) and SO4. Na-Cl (70%). All samples were over-saturated with anhydrite, aragonite, calcite, dolomite, and gypsum minerals except for halite and sylvite minerals dissolution, according to SI. The existence of reversible ion exchange between alkaline earth’s (Ca2++Mg2+) ions in water and alkalis’ ions (Na++ K+) in solids; this is explained by the negative values of the chloro-alkaline indices, which point to recharging from rainfall. The Gibbs diagram showed that the dominant interaction is rock weathering. The silicate weathering and evaporite mineral dissolution control the water composition and salinity, which led to an excess of the dominant ions, as demonstrated by the END. Three wells in the research area are potentially unhealthy and unfit for irrigation and drinking.


Geological Society of India

Reference52 articles.







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