The materials of federal and regional reports on the state of the environment, and control and monitoring data of the Ministry of Environmental Protection of the Kirov region, as well as on the results of scientific studies of the atmospheric air state were analyzed. Based on the analysis the comparative assessment of the atmospheric air state was carried out using the example of the Kirov Region territory as part of the Volga Federal District. The main sources of air emissions and their quantitative characteristics are noted. Despite the fact that recently the vehicle fleet has increased significantly, the stationary sources of air pollution are the main in the regions of the Volga Federal District. In a number of urban agglomerations emissions from stationary sources are inferior to mobile sources of pollution. This is confirmed by the results of the rating of the Volga Federal District regions by the total volume of atmospheric emissions from all sources of pollution for the period from 2019 to 2023. The highest quantity of air pollutant emissions is observed throughout the entire period in regions with high developed chemical, petrochemical, mining, and mechanical engineering industries. This primarily concerns the Republic of Bashkortostan, the Perm Territory, the Orenburg region and the Republic of Tatarstan. While the Chuvash and Mordovian Republics, the Republic of Mari El, the Penza, Ulyanovsk, and Kirov regions are characterized by a significantly smaller contribution of air pollutant emissions and consistently occupy a leading position in these indicators. For a number of years, the territory of the Kirov region has been consistently ranked 6th in terms of total atmospheric emissions. The results of environmental control and monitoring, and conducted scientific research indicate that the main technogenic load on the atmospheric air in the Kirov region falls on the regional center – the city of Kirov and industrially developed areas of the region: Kirovo-Chepetsky, Vyatsko-Polyansky, Omutninsky, Belokholunitsky districts. Areas with local areas of contamination are identified in each of the above.