1. Geschichtskultur durch Restitution?
2. Quoted from Margot Faak(Ed.):Alexander von Humboldt: Reise durch Venezuela. Auswahl aus den amerikanischen Reisetagebüchern. Berlin 2000, pp.324sq. The editor of this travel diary provides a chronology allowing to date Humboldt's theft of human remains to the end of May 1800.Seehttps://ed.humboldt.de/chronologie/ detail.xql?id=H0014909&l=de (retrieved Jan. 5, 2023). Eight years later, Humboldt referred to the event and confirmed the transfer of a skull taken from Venezuela to Blumenbach's collection. He wrote: "We left the cave at nightfall, having collected several skulls and the complete skeleton of an aged man-to the greatest annoyance of our Indian guides. One of these skulls has been depicted by Mr. Blumenbach in his excellent craniological work." Alexander von Humboldt: Ansichten
3. Inventing White Beauty and Fighting Black Slavery
4. Erdbeeren und Piraten