This research examines the measurement and evaluation practices in postgraduate education in the emergency distance education process that came with the Covid-19 pandemic. A case study design in line with qualitative research approaches has been used in the study. The study group consisted of 27 students enrolled in a postgraduate education institute and receiving education in different programs. It was found in the study that performance-based evaluations that are required to be delivered within a certain deadline are the most preferred evaluation approaches in postgraduate classes and that time limitations are implemented in each online exam. Reiteration, responsibility, cooperation, saving time, space independence, not experiencing exam anxiety, fast communication, and providing feedback were positive aspects of distance evaluation practices. While technical problems, content and evaluation incompatibility, difficulty in accessing e-resources, subjective grading, decrease in motivation, excessive assignments and task descriptions, cheating behavior, and digital literacy insufficiency were found as the negative aspects. The current study suggests that when performing the distance evaluation, students and teachers should have digital skills and adopt not result but the process and product-oriented evaluation approaches to keep up with this process.
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