Cerebralis hyperperfusiós szindróma és vérnyomáskontroll


Fazekas Gábor1,Kasza Gábor1,Arató Endre1,Sínay László1,Vadász Gergely1,Füzi Árpád1,Hardi Péter1,Benkő László1,Nagy Tibor1,Jancsó Gábor1,Menyhei Gábor1


1. Klinikai Központ, Érsebészeti Klinika, Pécsi Tudományegyetem, Általános Orvostudományi Kar Pécs


Introduction: Cerebral hyperperfusion syndrome is a rare, hardly known condition, which can result in serious complications either after surgical or endovascular revascularization. Recognition of the typical triad (headache, seizure, focal neurological deficit) and the prompt radiological diagnosis (sonography, computed tmography) are crucial to achieve a favourable outcome. Aim: The aim of the authors was to select the endangered group and set up an effective therapeutic protocol based their own expereince in combination with relevant literature data. Method: From the beginning of 2010 up to now three cases with these symptoms pursuant to the criteria of cerebral hyperperfusion syndrome have been recognized by the authors. Results: Each of the three patients were treated by similar principles on intensive care unit, but the applied therapy resulted in complete remission in one patient only. Conclusions: At present there is no efficient diagnostic way to screen the endangered group, hence the only opportunity for prevention is the appropriate perioperative blood pressure control. If symptoms have developed already, urgent treatment is required. Orv. Hetil., 2015, 156(26), 1049–1053.


Akademiai Kiado Zrt.


General Medicine

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