1. Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem Pszichológiai Intézet Budapest Izabella u. 46. 1064
There is a reoccurring question in medical practice: do positive attitude and communication of the medical staff make any difference? Aim: Our aim is to present a comprehensive image of the medically relevant effects of positive suggestions by reviewing the recent literature. Methods: We review the studies measuring the effects of suggestive communication of the past 20 years. In cases of studies presented in more details we quote from the suggestion scripts used in the study, too. Results: Most of the reviewed papers affirm that positive suggestions lead to decreased pain and use of pain medication. But physiological factors like bowel motility, blood pressure and bleeding during surgery can be positively affected, too. Conclusions: Suggestive communication – a yet poorly utilized tool – used appropriately can significantly affect healing and recovery of a patient. Thus we emphasize further, more detailed study of this technique and its integration into the education of medical professionals. Orv. Hetil., 2011, 152, 96–106.
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