False victimization syndrome


Resch Mária1,Bella Tamás2


1. Petz Aladár Megyei Oktató Kórház II. Pszichiátriai és Mentálhigiénés Osztály Győr

2. Nyugat-magyarországi Egyetem Szent Pál Katolikus Szakkolégium Sopron


Criminology and criminal-psychology are sciences dealing mostly with the personality of the criminals as well as the interconnections of crime and deviance. The other player of the crimes – the victim - has recently come into focus posing the question why and how somebody is becoming a victim, and what effect can the victim have when the crime is being committed. The first international publications appeared at the beginning of the third millennium on so-called victims who are convinced to suffer from material, moral or other damages and, accordingly, who would pursue “justice” at any rate. They often appeal against decisions. Considering these facts the procedures are rather thorough and circumspect. A significant part of the law-enforcement staff is heavily involved for long periods. On the other side there is the person considered criminal being actually the real victim. These people are getting alienated from the society because of their reckoned deeds and, because of the distorting influence of the media they are condemned morally. The present study describes the syndromes of fake-victim, their occurrence as well as psychiatric considerations, social appearance and impact. Authors are drawing attention to the medical-legal existence of the problem as well as its existence. Orv. Hetil., 2011, 152, 559–568..


Akademiai Kiado Zrt.


General Medicine

Reference19 articles.

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2. Characteristics of False Stalking Reports

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