Application of office hysteroscopy in gynaecological practice


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1. Debreceni Egyetem, Klinikai Központ, Általános Orvostudományi Kar Szülészeti és Nőgyógyászati Klinika Debrecen Nagyerdei krt. 98. 4032


Introduction: Nowadays minimally invasive techniques are a leading factors in medicine. According to this trend, hysteroscopy has been used in gynecology more and more frequently. Office hysteroscopy gives opportunity for a faster examination with less costs and strain for the patient. Aim: The aim of this work was to get familiar with the novel method. The author examined the level of pain during hysteroscopy performed for different indications with different types of instruments. In addition, the novel method invented for evaluating tubal patency was compared to the gold standard laparoscopy in 70 tubes. Method: Office hysteroscopy was performed in 400 cases for indications according to the traditional method. All examinations were performed in University of Debrecen, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology in an outpatient setting. A 2.7 mm diameter optic with diagnostic or operative sheet was used. Hysteroscopies were scheduled between the 4th and 11th cycle day. For recording pain level VAS was used in 70 cases. Comparison of hysteroscopic evaluation of tubal patency to the laparoscopic method was studies in 70 cases. Results: It was found that office hysteroscopy can be performed in an outpatient setting, without anesthesia. Pain level showed no difference among subgroups (nulliparous, non-nulliparous, postmenopausal, diagnostic, operative) (mean±SD, 3.5±1.01; p=0.34). For the evaluation of tubal patency, office hysteroscopy showed 92.06% accuracy when compared to laparoscopy. Conclusions: Office hysteroscopy has several advantages over traditional method. This procedure is fast, it has less strain for the patient. The novel method, rather than traditional hysteroscopy, should be used in the work-up of infertility as well. Orv. Hetil., 2014, 155(40), 1589–1597.


Akademiai Kiado Zrt.


General Medicine







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