Short-term effects of T-2 toxin or deoxynivalenol on glutathione status and expression of its regulatory genes in chicken


Nakade Mangesh1,Pelyhe Csilla2,Kövesi Benjámin1,Balogh Krisztián1,Kovács Balázs1,Szabó-Fodor Judit2,Zándoki Erika2,Mézes Miklós1,Erdélyi Márta1


1. 1 Department of Nutrition, Szent István University, Páter K. u. 1, H-2103 Gödöllő, Hungary

2. 2 Hungarian Academy of Sciences – Kaposvár University ‘MTA-KE Mycotoxins in the Food Chain’ Research Group, Kaposvár, Hungary


Short-term (48-hour) effects of 3.74/1.26 mg kg−1 T-2/HT-2 toxin or 16.12 mg kg−1 DON in feed were investigated in the liver of three-week-old cockerels (body weight: 749.60 ± 90.98 g). Markers of lipid peroxidation showed no significant changes. At hour 24, glutathione content in the T-2/HT-2 toxin group was significantly higher than in the control. Glutathione peroxidase activity was significantly higher than the control at hour 24 in the T-2/H-2 toxin group and at hour 48 in the DON group. In the DON group, expression of the glutathione peroxidase 4 gene (GPX4) was significantly lower than in the control at hours 12 and 14, and higher at hour 48. Expression of the glutathione reductase gene (GSR) was significantly lower than in the control at hour 12 in the T-2/HT-2 toxin group, and at hours 12, 24 and 48 in the DON group. However, at hour 36 higher GSR expression was measured in the DON group. Due to the effect of both trichothecenes, expression of the glutathione synthetase gene (GSS) was significantly lower than in the control at hours 24 and 48. In conclusion, T-2/HT-2 toxin and DON had a moderate short-term effect on free radical formation. T-2/HT-2 toxin induced more pronounced activation of the glutathione redox system than did DON.


Akademiai Kiado Zrt.


General Veterinary







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