Environmental historical analysis of the Sarmatian and Gepids settlement of Rákóczifalva


Tugya Beáta12,Náfrádi Katalin2,Gulyás Sándor2,Törőcsik Tünde23,Pál Sümegi Balázs2,Pomázi Péter2,Sümegi Pál23


1. 1Thúry György Museum, Zrínyi Street 62, H-8800 Nagykanizsa Hungary

2. 2University of Szeged, Interdisciplinary Excellence Centre, Institute of Geography and Earth Sciences, Long Environmental Changes Research Team, University of Szeged Department of Geology and Palaeontology, Egyetem Street 2, H-6722 Szeged Hungary

3. 3Research Centre for the Humanities, Institute of Archaeology, Tóth Kálmán Street 4, H-1097 Budapest Budapest


AbstractWe present the results of the environmental historical and geoarchaeological analysis of Rákóczifalva-Bagi- földek and Rákóczifalva-Rokkant-földek archeological sites in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County.1 They were discovered in the course of several hectares of archaeological excavations related to the Roman Age and Migration Period, especially the Sarmatian and the Gepids era. A significant number of Gepids sites and finds2 were found in both the investigated areas and the wider area of the site, in the middle reach of the Tisza valley. So the geoarchaeological and environmental historical analysis of the Sarmatian and Late-Sarmatian and Gepids sites in Rákóczifalva can also provide a model for the settling strategy and lifestyle of the Sarmatian and Gepids communities.3 The purpose of our work is to present how geoarchaeological and environmental historical factors impacted local settling and lifestyles in the Gepids communities and Sarmatian-Late Sarmatian communities as well4 during the Roman Age and the Migration Period. In addition, to demonstrate the relationship of the Sarmatian and Gepids communities and their environment in the Rákóczifalva site compared to other Gepids5 and Sarmatian and Late Sarmatian communities in the Great Hungarian Plain.6Based on the number of objects containing animal bones and the amount of bones found in them, we can reconstruct considerable settling in the Celtic, Sarmatian, Gepids, Avar and Arpadian periods. The number of objects from the Linear Pottery culture (Great Hungarian Plain) and the Bodrogkeresztúr culture is high; however, the number of animal bones is low. On the basis of the bones discovered, we can count on a smaller settlement during the Tiszapolgár culture, the Hunyadihalom group, the Halomíros culture, the Gava culture and during the Scythians period.In this paper, we present the results of the Sarmatian, Late Sarmatian and the Gepid findings since the largest number of animal bones (except the Avar period) turned up from these periods. Our aim was to compare the animal husbandry, meat consumption and hunting habits of the Oriental origin Sarmatians and the Germanic Gepids communities. Bone artefacts and bone anvils have been found in the archaeological material of both ethnic groups.


Akademiai Kiado Zrt.



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4. Zur Kenntnis der ur- und frühgeschichtlichen Rinder Nord- und Mitteldeutschlands;Nobis;Zeitschrift für Tierzüchtung und Züchtungsbiologie,1954








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