1. Országos Élelmiszerbiztonsági és Táplálkozástudományi Intézet Budapest 100. Pf. 52 1476
2. Országos Epidemiológiai Központ Budapest
In the course of the 3 rd national nutritional survey data were collected in 2003, and the paper on the energy and nutrition intake of a sample group consisting of 1179 people all aged above 19, was published in the Hungarian Medical Journal (Vol. 146, No. 34, 2005). The present paper focuses on one group of micronutrients, namely the minerals’ intake. The authors evaluated the results mainly in comparison with the data of the two previous Hungarian national surveys, and the international and national recommendations. The average magnesium intake was considered adequate in both sexes, while iron, zinc and copper intakes also met the recommended level in men. On the other hand, the insufficient calcium and the excessive phosphorus intakes, as well as the disproportionate calcium-phosphorus ratio in both sexes are unfavourable facts. The adverse results include insufficient iron, zinc and copper intake in women and the excessive sodium intake in both sexes, as well. The authors emphasize the importance of spreading the principles of healthy nutrition as well as co-operating with the food industry in order to prevent the occurrence of mineral nutrients deficiency.
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18 articles.