1. Core European ITS Services and Actions, Guideline for the deployment of HGV overtaking ban (TMS-DG06) v2.0, 2010.
2. www.nfm.gov.hu (last visited 10. May 2011)
3. Directorate general for internal policies, Policy Department B Structural and Cohesion Policies, Transport and Tourism: The impact of overtaking bans for HGVs on two-lane highways, on traffic flows and routes of transport, Brussels, European Parliament, 2010.
4. Bereni M. HGV overtaking bans some information to assist decision making, SETRA (Service d’Etudes Techniques des Routes et Autoroutes), Paris, France, 10th International Symposium on Heavy Vehicle Transport Technology, HV Paris, May 19–22 2008, paper 97.