The warrior aristocracy of the Late Bronze Age Urnfield Period in County Somogy, south-western Transdanubia. The Lengyeltóti V hoard (County Somogy/Hungary)


Honti Szilvia1ORCID,Jankovits Katalin2ORCID


1. Rippl-Rónai Museum, Fő utca 10, H–7400, Kaposvár, Hungary

2. Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Faculty of Humanities, Mikszáth Kálmán tér 1, H–1088, Budapest, Hungary


Abstract Discussed here is the presence of a warrior aristocracy in south-western Hungary, principally in County Somogy, during the early (and middle) Urnfield period (Br D–Ha A1-A2) based on the archaeological record. The period's offensive and protective weapons wielded by the warrior aristocracy during the Urnfield period (mid-thirteenth to ninth century BC) are exclusively known from hoards in this region; none have been recovered from burials. The Lengyeltóti V hoard contained a greave, a composite cuirass, a cheek-piece indicating the presence of a military aristocracy riding horses and wagons or chariots when going to battle and a realistic wheel model. The swords and spearheads were part of the period's offensive weaponry. The hoard's other articles represented the jewellery of the female aristocracy: a diadem, a torc and an ornamented disc pendant. The hoard contained over seven hundred items. In A. Mozsolics's view, the hoard could be assigned to the period lasting up to the close of the Hallstatt period (Ha A2). The rise of the warrior aristocracy began during the Br D, Br D/Ha A1 period, while its consolidation and heyday fell into the early Urnfield period (Ha A1). The aristocracy lived in hillforts – fortified settlements – which had a flourishing bronze industry. The number of settlements and burials declined drastically in the ensuing Ha B period in south-western Transdanubia.


Akademiai Kiado Zrt.



Reference143 articles.

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3. Clay models of Bronze Age wagons and wheels in the Middle Danube Basin;Bóna, I.,1960

4. Die mittlere Bronzezeit Ungarns und ihre südöstlichen Beziehungen;Bóna, I.,1975

5. Wagen und Wagenmodelle in den Tell-Kulturen;Bóna, I.,1992

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