Assessment of genotype × environment interactions for yield and morphine content in opium poppy ( Papaver somniferum L.)


Yadav H.1,Shukla S.1,Singh S.1


1. 1 National Botanical Research Institute (CSIR) Division of Genetics and Plant Breeding Lucknow India


The analysis of the genotype × environmental interaction, which indicates the stability of genotypes, has always been part of plant breeding programmes before the release of varieties for commercial cultivation. In the present investigation the stability of seed yield, opium yield and morphine content in 11 advanced breeding lines of opium poppy was evaluated over five years. Combined ANOVA showed that both the main effects and interactions were significant, indicating the presence of genotype × environment interactions. The average seed yield and opium yield ranged from 10.41–16.92 q/ha and 45.21–59.85 kg/ha, respectively. Stability analysis involving the parameters bi, S 2 di, λi, s 2 , δ 2 , Wi, r 2 and CV identified four genotypes (BR330, BR333, BR229 and BR243) as ideal and stable for the traits studied. The level of association among different parameters obtained using Spearman’s rank correlation showed that Eberhart and Russell’s deviation from regression (S 2 di) was significantly and positively associated with s 2 , λi, δ 2 i and CV and negatively with r 2 . The parameters λi, s 2 , δ 2 i and CV also showed positive mutual association.


Akademiai Kiado Zrt.


Agronomy and Crop Science







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