1. Surrey and Sussex NHS Trust Redhill, Egyesült Királyság
2. II. Gyermekgyógyászati Klinika, Semmelweis Egyetem, Általános Orvostudományi Kar Budapest
3. II. Belgyógyászati Klinika, Semmelweis Egyetem, Általános Orvostudományi Kar Budapest, Szentkirályi u. 46., 1088
Abstract: Williams syndrome is a rare genetic disorder, that occurs equally in all ethnic groups and both sexes. The diagnosis might be missed during childhood in mild cases. However, establishing the diagnosis is important, not only to find the cause of intellectual disability but to look for cardiovascular, endocrine, psychiatry, urology and other conditions, which can occur at any age in the patients’ lifetime. This case report presents the story of 47-year-old woman, who was admitted with haematemesis. During her stay on the ward, in the light of the distinctive facial features, mental retardation, and social behaviour patterns, the possibility of Williams syndrome emerged. Later, the diagnosis was confirmed by genetic analysis. This female is the oldest living patient with Williams syndrome in Hungary. Orv Hetil. 2017; 158(47): 1883–1888.
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