Magyar Szívelégtelenség Regiszter 2015–2016. Kezdeti eredmények


Nyolczas Noémi1,Heltai Krisztina2,Borbély Attila3,Habon Tamás4,Járai Zoltán5,Sziliczei Erzsébet6,Stadler Péter7,Faludi Réka8,Herczeg Béla9,Papp Előd10,Lakatos Ferenc11,Nagy Katalin12,Katona András13,Kovács Imre14,Tomcsányi János15,Nagy András16,Sepp Róbert17


1. Magyar Honvédség Egészségügyi Központ Budapest, Róbert Károly krt. 44., 1134

2. Városmajori Szív- és Érgyógyászati Klinika, Semmelweis Egyetem, Általános Orvostudományi Kar Budapest

3. Kardiológiai Intézet, Debreceni Egyetem, Általános Orvostudományi Kar Debrecen

4. Klinikai Központ, I. Belgyógyászati Klinika, Pécsi Tudományegyetem, Általános Orvostudományi Kar Pécs

5. Szent Imre Egyetemi Oktatókórház Budapest

6. Fejér Megyei Szent György Egyetemi Oktató Kórház Székesfehérvár

7. Szent János Kórház és Észak-budai Egyesített Kórházak Budapest

8. Klinikai Központ, Szívgyógyászati Klinika, Pécsi Tudományegyetem, Általános Orvostudományi Kar Pécs

9. Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok Megyei Hetényi Géza Kórház-Rendelőintézet Szolnok

10. Somogy Megyei Kaposi Mór Oktatókórház Kaposvár

11. Orosházi Kórház Orosháza

12. Vas Megyei Markusovszky Lajos Egyetemi Oktató Kórház Szombathely

13. Békés Megyei Központi Kórház Pándy Kálmán Tagkórháza Gyula

14. Soproni Erzsébet Oktató Kórház és Rehabilitációs Intézet Sopron

15. Budai Irgalmasrendi Kórház Budapest

16. Bács-Kiskun Megyei Kórház Kecskemét

17. II. Belgyógyászati Klinika és Kardiológiai Központ, Szegedi Tudományegyetem, Általános Orvostudományi Kar Szeged


Abstract: Heart failure is associated with a poor prognosis despite significant advances in the pharmacological and device therapy and incurs very high cost because of frequent hospitalizations. Therefore, professional high-quality care is essential for both patients and the healthcare system. The best way to evaluate the quality of care for a particular disease is the use of disease-specific registries. Until now, there has not been a registry evaluating characteristics and management of heart failure patients in Hungary. For that reason, the Hungarian Society of Cardiology initiated the set-up of the Hungarian Heart Failure Registry. The Aim of this paper is to present the goals, methods and first year results of the Hungarian Heart Failure Registry. The goal of the Registry is to create a modern, web-based database that summarizes the data of large number of patients who are currently or were previously admitted to hospital or who are currently or were previously patients in an outpatient department due to severe heart failure (NYHA III–IV). Currently 17 cardiology departments participate in the development of the Registry. The planned number of patients is 2000. Initially follow-up was planned for one year (pilot study). After the evaluation of the relevant experiences of the pilot study, long-term follow-up is planned. The Registry collects information about the type of heart failure (heart failure with reduced – LVEF≤45% – vs. preserved – LVEF>45% – ejection fraction), etiology, co-morbidities, diagnostic methods, treatment as well as morbidity and mortality. After the first year, assessing the baseline parameters of 698 patients enrolled in the Registry we found that the majority of patients (87.8%) has heart failure with reduced ejection fraction and in 39.8% of the patients heart failure has an ischaemic origin. The most frequent co-morbidity was hypertension followed by diabetes, renal insufficiency and COPD. The patients were treated with ACE inhibitors or ARBs in 94.4%, with beta blockers in 95.9%, and mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists in 73.9%. The mean dose of neurohormonal antagonists was higher than half of the target dose defined by current guidelines. The use of cardiac resynchronisation therapy was 11.7% and implantable cardioverter defibrillator was 25.8%. The pharmacological and device therapy of patients who were enrolled in the Registry until now was fit the current guidelines’ recommendations. This, however, does not mean that the management of heart failure is without problems in our country but that high quality patient care is available with adequate heart failure treatment in cardiology departments dedicated to heart failure care. Orv. Hetil., 2017, 158(3), 94–100.


Akademiai Kiado Zrt.


General Medicine







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