Országos Táplálkozás és Tápláltsági Állapot Vizsgálat – OTÁP2014. II. A magyar lakosság energia- és makrotápanyag-bevitele


Sarkadi Nagy Eszter1,Bakacs Márta1,Illés Éva1,Nagy Barbara1,Varga Anita1,Kis Orsolya1,Schreiberné Molnár Erzsébet1,Martos Éva12


1. Országos Gyógyszerészeti és Élelmezés-egészségügyi Intézet Budapest, Albert Flórián út 3/A, 1097

2. Magyar Sportorvos Társaság Budapest


Abstract: Introduction and aim: The aim of the study was to assess and monitor the dietary habits and nutrient intake of Hungarian adults. Method: Three-day dietary records were used for dietary assessment, the sample was representative for the Hungarian population aged ≥18ys by gender and age. Results: The mean proportion of energy from fat was higher (men: 38 energy%, women: 37 energy%), that from carbohydrates was lower (men: 45 energy%, women: 47 energy%) than recommended, the protein intake is adequate. Conclusion: Unfavorable change compared to the previous survey in 2009 was the increase of fat and saturated fatty acid energy percent in women, the decrease in fruit and vegetable consumption, which explains the decreased fiber intake. An increasing trend in added sugar energy percent in each age groups of both genders was observed compared to 2009. Interventions focusing on the promotion of fruit and vegetable consumption and decreasing of saturated fat and added sugar intake are needed. Orv. Hetil., 2017, 158(15), 587–597.


Akademiai Kiado Zrt.


General Medicine








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