Traumás asphyxia maradandó látásvesztéssel


Kántor Tibor1,Grigorescu Bianca2,Popescu Gabriel3,Ferencz Attila4,Nagy Örs5,Jung János6,Gergely István5


1. Marosvásárhelyi Orvosi és Gyógyszerészeti Egyetem Marosvásárhely

2. Kórélettani Tanszék, Marosvásárhelyi Orvosi és Gyógyszerészeti Egyetem Marosvásárhely

3. II. Sz. Sebészeti Klinika, Maros Megyei Sürgősségi Kórház Marosvásárhely

4. Dora Optics Marosvásárhely

5. I. Ortopédia-Traumatológia Tanszék, Marosvásárhelyi Orvosi és Gyógyszerészeti Egyetem Marosvásárhely

6. Patológia Tanszék, Marosvásárhelyi Orvosi és Gyógyszerészeti Egyetem Marosvásárhely


Abstract: Traumatic asphyxia is a rare condition that occurs after compressive thoracoabdominal trauma, which is characterized by subconjunctival hemorrhage, cervicofacial cyanosis, edema and petechiae. Serious life-threatening thoracic and abdominal injuries may coexist. After conservatory treatment in most cases complete recovery is achieved, but in isolated cases permanent neurological lesions may occur. We present the case of the 39-year-old male patient who suffered a compressive thoracoabdominal trauma. The physical examination showed the characteristic “ecchymotic mask”. After surgical treatment of the abdominal injuries and intensive therapy the patient was discharged with permanent vision loss. The high retrograde venous pressure in the head and neck may be associated with neuronal ischemia, which can lead to irreversible optic nerve atrophy. It is therefore important to carry out an early, routine and complete ophtalmologic examination, especially in the intubated and poorly cooperative patients. Orv Hetil. 2017; 158(22): 864–868.


Akademiai Kiado Zrt.


General Medicine

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