Emlőelváltozások multidiszciplináris értékelése és ennek eredményei a Decker-féle korrelációs rendszer ötéves tapasztalatai alapján


Cserni Gábor12,Ambrózay Éva3,Serfőző Orsolya3


1. Patológiai Osztály, Bács-Kiskun Megyei Kórház Kecskemét, Nyíri út 38., 6000

2. Szent-Györgyi Albert Klinikai Központ, Patológiai Intézet, Szegedi Tudományegyetem, Általános Orvostudományi Kar Szeged

3. Emlődiagnosztikai Egység, Mamma Zrt. Kecskemét


Abstract: Introduction: Lesions identified during breast imaging often require microscopic verification. Current recommendations imply the classification of radiological, clinical, cytology and core biopsy findings into one of five predefined categories. The Decker system also includes a classification of both the correlation between radiology and pathology and the actions required on this basis. Aim: To report on the five-year results of the implementation of the Decker system in our pretreatment multidisciplinary breast team. Method: Retrospective analysis of patients operated on because of breast diseases or appearing at the multidisciplinary breast team during the period between 2000 and 2014. Results: Of 1716 cases discussed, 1531 were solved by non-operative diagnostics, 157 required diagnostic excisions; 1122 cases (65%) proved to be malignant. Malignancy was diagnosed by core needle biopsies in 69% of the cases. The non-operative approach was unsuccessful, delayed or wrong in 14 cases. Conclusion: Breast lesions need to be evaluated in a multidisciplinary setting. The Decker-system is suitable for the recording and analysis of the correlation between radiologic/physical and microscopy findings, and of the ensuing diagnostic/therapeutic actions. Orv Hetil. 2017; 158(28): 1100–1108.


Akademiai Kiado Zrt.


General Medicine








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