Just Look behind the Data! Czech and Hungarian Outward Foreign Direct Investment and Multinationals


Sass Magdolna1,Vlčková Jana2


1. Corresponding author. Researcher at the Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Budapest, Hungary.

2. Associate Professor at the Department of World Economy, University of Economics, Prague, Czech Republic.


There has been an increase in outward foreign direct investment (FDI) and in the number of locally-owned or controlled multinationals in the Czech Republic and Hungary. However, data problems hinder to determine accurately the underlying trends and the main factors behind the changes. Data on outward FDI contain investment realised by all locally operational firms, regardless of their ownership. We rely on newly available balance of payments manual 6 (BPM) data and on company case studies. We show that outward investment by Czech firms must be much higher than what balance of payments data show. Hungary's case is the opposite. The leading Czech and Hungarian foreign investor firms can be categorised as “virtual indirect” foreign investors: they are in majority foreign ownership, but under domestic control. The reason for this special type of firms dominating in outward foreign direct investments can be found in the privatisation technique applied in these countries during the transition process.


Akademiai Kiado Zrt.


Economics and Econometrics

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