Az időskori gyógyszerterápia alapjai


Telekes András1,Deme Dániel1


1. Onkológiai Osztály, Szent Lázár Megyei Kórház Salgótarján, Füleki út 54–56., 3100


Abstract: The proportion of elderly patients is getting increased in the developed countries as a consequence of which pharmacotherapy takes a more and more important place in the healthcare system. Important biological alterations are characteristic for the elderly subjects, which have effect on the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the pharmaceuticals. Gradually decreased kidney function may demand the modification of the administration of the pharmaceuticals. Certain pharmaceuticals and drug-interactions are potentially dangerous for this population. Therefore several factors have to be taken into account in conjunction with the therapy of elderly patients including co-morbidities, cognitive function and the social state. At the same time, the risk–benefit ratio of the pharmaceuticals is the worst among elderly patients with pharmaceutical therapy including polypragmasy. Thus, it is inevitable for the development of geriatric pharmacotherapy that the physiologic alteration of elderly has to be taken into account not only in the daily practice but also during the development and formulation of a pharmaceutical. The present paper gives an overview of the most important factors influencing the pharmacotherapy of the elderly. Orv Hetil. 2019; 160(23): 896–907.


Akademiai Kiado Zrt.


General Medicine

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