On positive operators involving a certain class of generating functions


Doğru O.1,Özarslan M. A.1,Taşdelen F.1


1. Department of Mathematics Faculty of Science Ankara UniversityTandogan 06100, AnkaraTurkeydogru@science.ankara.edu.trozarslan@science.ankara.edu.trtasdelen@science.ankara.edu.tr


In this paper we introduced the general sequence of linear positive operators via generating functions. Approximation properties of these operators are obtained with the help of the Korovkin Theorem. The order of convergence of these operators computed by means of modulus of continuity Peetre’s K-furictiorial and the elements of the usual Lipschitz class. Also we introduce the r-th order generalization of these operators and we evaluate this generalization by the operators defined in this paper. Finally we give some applications to differential equations.


Akademiai Kiado Zrt.


General Mathematics

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1. Parametric generalization of the q-Meyer–König–Zeller operators;Chaos, Solitons & Fractals;2024-08

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