Metasztatikus progresszió kezelése primer cutan és ocularis melanoma szinkrón előfordulását követően


Imrédi Eleonóra1,Plótár Vanda2,Szavcsur Péter3,Pánczél Gitta1,Melegh Krisztina1,Schlachter Krisztina2,Liszkay Gabriella1


1. Bőrgyógyászati Osztály, Országos Onkológiai Intézet Budapest, Ráth György utca 7–9., 1122

2. Molekuláris Patológiai Osztály, Országos Onkológiai Intézet Budapest

3. Onkológiai Képalkotó és Invazív Diagnosztikai Központ, Országos Onkológiai Intézet Budapest


Abstract: The incidence rates of cutaneous melanoma in non-Hispanic whites show an increasing tendency with age. While uveal melanoma in general is a rare disease, representing only 4% of all melanomas with an incidence rate of 0.6 per 100 000, it is still the most frequent malignancy of the eye. Synchronous occurrence of ocular and cutaneous melanoma is an exceptional rarity, due to the distinct genetic background of the diseases. We report the case of a 80-year-old man who underwent total excision of a cutaneous melanoma in 2008. In 2013, he was diagnosed with uveal melanoma as part of a routine work-up for reduced vision. The uveal melanoma was treated by brachytherapy. In 2015, liver metastases were suspected by routine ultrasonography. Core biopsy was carried out, and the histology confirmed melanoma metastases. The molecular analysis of the cutaneous lesion showed gain of function mutation of the BRAF V600 K gene, while we found a wild-type BRAF gene in the metastatic lesion. Based on the recommendation of the oncoteam, hepatic intra-arterial Epirubicin-Platidiam therapy was introduced. He received 11 doses of intra-arterial chemotherapy (IAC), in 21 cycles. IAC was well tolerated without any catheter-related complications or toxicities. Partial regression of the hepatic metastases were documented in February 2016. After completing the eleventh cycle of intrahepatic chemotherapy, the disease remained in complete remission for over a year. The parallel occurrence of cutaneous and ocular melanoma is rare, however, the metastatic progression in such cases make the selection of optimal medical therapy challenging. The distinct genetic background of two melanoma types may help the identification of the source of the metastatic lesions, in order to guide the treatment decisions. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(16): 642–647.


Akademiai Kiado Zrt.


General Medicine

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