1. Á+B Klinika Budapest, Népszínház u. 46., 1081
Abstract: During the 20th century, continuous development of classic varicose vein surgery was carried out. From the beginning of the 21st century, however, new endovascular interventions were introduced. Compared to classic surgery, their main benefit is that no incision and dissection is necessary. Only catheters are used to scar the saphenous stems, which are introduced via punctures. Before and during the intervention, ultrasound is used. Laser surgery is the most popular option, and its outcomes have improved a lot with the introduction of laser crossectomy. Radiofrequency surgery is another intervention which is widely performed. A further heat ablation method is the steam operation. One newer technique is the cyanoacrylate tissue adhesive operation. The well-known practice of sclerotherapy has developed by turning the liquid sclerosant into foam, and by causing mechanical damage to the intimal layer of the vein. The new methods have fewer complications because these avoid incisions and dissections during the interventions. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(52): 2195–2201.