Arcrekonstrukciós és orthognath műtétek tervezési lehetőségei háromdimenziós képalkotói módszerekkel


Dobai Adrienn1,Markella Zsolt2,Vízkelety Tamás3,Barabás József1


1. Fogorvostudományi Kar, Arc-, Állcsont-, Szájsebészeti és Fogászati Klinika, Semmelweis Egyetem Budapest

2. Kandó Kálmán Villamosmérnöki Kar, Óbudai Egyetem Budapest

3. Dento-Cura Kft. magánrendelő Budapest


Abstract: We summarize up-to-date planning technics of orthognathic and reconstructive surgery operation which appeared with three-dimensional imaging, using literature data and some clinical examples. In many cases, orthognathic and reconstructive operations mean the only treatment of facial deformity caused by tumour, traumatic injury or congenital anomaly. In this field, radiology plays an important role not only in the diagnosis but also in the planning of the treatment. With the appearance of cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT), the previously used two-dimensional cephalometric analysis on lateral cephalogram was changed for three-dimensional cephalometric measurements. The first step of the adaptation was the lateral and frontal x-ray images generated from the CBCT database and later the volume rendered surface and segmentation technics provided the moving of the facial bones in three dimensions which meant virtual surgical planning. With the development of CAD/CAM technic and the three-dimensional printing, many opportunities became available, such as preoperative bending splints and plates and printed surgical model for the tangible planning. The progress of imaging facilitated the individual, accurate, and reliable planning which significantly determines the success of the treatment. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(39): 1584–1592.


Akademiai Kiado Zrt.


General Medicine

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