Contributions to molecular phylogeny of lichens 3. •


Kondratyuk S. Y.1,Lőkös L.2,Kondratiuk A. S.1,Kärnefelt I.3,Thell A.3,Farkas E.4,Hur J.-S.5


1. M. H. Kholodny Institute of Botany, Tereshchenkivska str. 2, 01004 Kiev, Ukraine

2. Department of Botany, Hungarian Natural History Museum H-1431 Budapest, Pf. 137, Hungary

3. Botanical Collections, Biological Museum, Lund University Box 117, SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden;

4. Institute of Ecology and Botany, Centre for Ecological Research Hungarian Academy of Sciences, H-2163 Vácrátót, Alkotmány u. 2–4, Hungary

5. Korean Lichen Research Institute, Sunchon National University Sunchon 540–742, Republic of Korea


Seven new genera, i.e. Brianiopsis for the former ‘Lambiellaimpavida group, Farkasiella for the former ‘Trapeliopsisaeneofusca group, Gallowayiopsis for the former ‘Trapeliacollaris group, Kleopowiella for the former ‘Trapeliaplacodioides group, Trapegintarasia for the former ‘Trapelialilacea group, Trapejamesia for the former ‘Trapeliacorticola branch, as well as Xyloelixia for the former ‘Xylographaisidiosa group are proposed.Isolated position of ‘Lambiellacaeca, ‘Lambiellainsularis, ‘Lambiellahepaticicola, ‘Lambiellasphacellata, ‘Placopsisbicolor, ‘Xylographabjoerkii, and ‘Xylographalagoi, is discussed too. Correctness of identification of vouchers of various species of the following genera Placynthiella, Placopsis, Trapelia, and Trapeliopsis is also discussed.New combinations are proposed for the following 27 species: ‘Ainoa’ sphacellata (for Lecidea sphacelata Th. Fr.), Brianiopsis aliphatica (for Lambiella aliphatica T. Sprib. et Resl), Brianiopsis cerebriformis (for Rimularia cerebriformis Kantvilas), Brianiopsis globulosa (for Rimularia globulosa Coppins), Brianiopsis gyrizans (for Lecidea gyrizans Nyl.), Brianiopsis gyromuscosa (for Rimularia gyromuscosa Aptroot), Brianiopsis impavida (for Lecidea impavida Th. Fr.), Brianiopsis mullensis (for Lecidea mullensis Stirt.), Farkasiella aeneofusca (for Lecidea aeneofusca Flörke ex Flot.), Farkasiella gelatinosa (for Lecidea gelatinosa Flörke), Gallowayiopsis collaris (for Trapelia collaris Orange), Gallowayiopsis glebulosa (for Lichen glebulosus Sm.), Gallowayiopsis obtegens (for Biatora coarctata subsp. obtegens Th. Fr.), Gallowayiopsis roseonigra (for Placopsis roseonigra Brodo), Kleopowiella placodioides (for Trapelia placodioides Coppins et P. James), Kleopowiella bisorediata (for Trapeliopsis bisorediata McCune et F. J. Camacho), Kleopowiella thieleana (for Trapelia thieleana Kantvilas, Lumbsch et Elix), Rimularia coreana (for Trapelia coreana S. Y. Kondr., Lőkös et Hur), Trapegintarasia antarctica (for Trapelia antarctica Ertz, Aptroot, G. Thor et Ovstedal), Trapegintarasia lilacea (for Trapelia lilacea Kantvilas et Elix), Trapegintarasia tristis (for Trapelia tristis Orange), Trapejamesia corticola (for Trapelia corticola Coppins et P. James), Trapejamesia hurii (for Placynthiella hurii S. Y. Kondr. et L. Lőkös), Xyloelixia constricta (for Xylographa constricta T. Sprib.), Xyloelixia disseminata (for Xylographa disseminata Willey), Xyloelixia isidiosa (for Hypocenomyce isidiosa Elix), and Xyloelixia septentrionalis (for Xylographa septentrionalis T. Sprib.).


Akademiai Kiado Zrt.


Plant Science,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics







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