1. 1 Department of Animal Physiology and Health, Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Science, Szent István University Please ask the editor of the journal.
2. 2 Department of Animal Physiology and Hygiene, Faculty of Animal Science, University of Kaposvár Please ask the editor of the journal.
3. 3 Department of Animal Physiology and Health, Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Science, Szent István University Please ask the editor of the journal.
4. 4 Department of Animal Physiology and Health, Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Science, Szent István University Please ask the editor of the journal.
5. 5 Technical University of Budapest Institute of General & Analitical Chemistry 1521 Budapest, Hungary
6. 6 Department of Animal Physiology and Health, Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Science, Szent István University Please ask the editor of the journal.
7. 7 Department of Animal Physiology and Health, Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Science, Szent István University Please ask the editor of the journal.
8. 8 Department and Clinic for Obstetrics and Reproduction, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Szent István University Budapest, Hungary