1. CRIS Strategy and Development: [AsJe2004] Asserson, A; Jeffery, K.G.; 'Research Output Publications and CRIS' in A Nase, G van Grootel (Eds) Proceedings CRIS2004 Conference, Leuven University Press ISBN 90 5867 3839 May 2004 pp 29-40
2. [Je2004] Jeffery, K.G.; 'The New Technologies: can CRISs Benefit' in A Nase, G van Grootel (Eds) Proceedings CRIS2004 Conference, Leuven University Press ISBN 90 5867 3839 May 2004 pp 77-88
3. [Je2005] K G Jeffery CRISs, Architectures and CERIF CCLRC-RAL Technical Report RAL-TR-2005-003 (2005)
4. [DiBaHoArvaMe2006] NARCIS: The Gateway to Dutch Scientific Information ELPUB2006. Digital Spectrum: Integrating Technology and Culture - Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Electronic Publishing held in Bansko, Bulgaria 14-16 June 2006 / Edited by: Bob Martens, Milena Dobreva. ISBN 978-954-16-0040-5, 2006, pp. 49-58
5. [JeAs2006a] Keith G Jeffery, Anne Asserson: 'CRIS Central Relating Information System' in Anne Gams Steine Asserson, Eduard J Simons (Eds) 'Enabling Interaction and Quality: Beyond he Hanseatic League'; Proceedings 8th International Conference on Current Research Information Systems CRIS2006 Conference, Bergen, May 2006 pp109-120 Leuven University Press ISBN 978 90 5867 536 1