1. Bandrova, T. (1997a) A Possibility for 3D Modeling in Architectural Planning. Annuaire de L'universite D'architecture, de genie civil et de Geodesie, (Vol. XXXIX, pp. 95-102). Sofia, Bulgaria.
2. Bandrova, T. (1997b) Creating of Three-Dimensional Symbols. International Symposium on Modern Technologies of Cadastre, (pp.132-138). Sofia, Bulgaria
3. Bandrova, T. & Ivanova, K. (1999) 3D Cartographic Modeling in City Environment. 19th International Cartographic Conference, Session 31-B (CD). Ottawa, Canada.
4. Bandrova, T. (2001) Designing of Symbol System for 3D City Maps. 20th International Cartographic Conference. (Vol. 2, pp. 1002 - 1010). Beijing, China.
5. Ivanova, K. & Bandrova, T., (1998) Three-Dimensional Visualization of Graphic Cadastral Information. International Symposium on "Low of Immovable, Dynamic of Development in Cadastral Systems and Land Management". (pp. 49-55). Sofia, Bulgaria.