1. ANAND, R. R. 1994. Regolith-landform evolution and geochemical dispersion from the Boddington gold deposit, Western Australia. CSIRO Australia, Division of Exploration and Mining, Perth. Restricted Report, 24R, (Also Open File Report 3, CRC LEME, Perth, 1998).
2. ANAND, R. R. 1998. Distribution, classification and evolution of ferruginous materials over greenstones on the Yilgarn Craton – implications for mineral exploration. In: Eggleton, R.A. (ed) . The State of the Regolith. Proceedings of the Second Australian Conference on Landscape Evolution and Mineral Exploration, Conference Publications. , Springwood, NSW175-193.
3. ANAND, R. R. 2000. Regolith and geochemical synthesis of the Yandal Greenstone Belt. In: Phillips, G.N, Anand, & R.R. (eds) . Yandal Greenstone Belt–Regolith, Geology and Mineralisation. Australian Institute Geoscientists Bulletin, 31, 79-112.