1. British Geological Survey (2002) Loch Eriboll. Scotland Sheet 114W. Solid Geology. 1:50 000 Provisional Series. (British Geological Survey, Keyworth).
2. A structural analysis of the Moine Thrust Zone between Loch Eriboll and Foinaven, NW Scotland
3. Thrust sequences
4. Butler R. W. H. (1988) in An Excursion Guide to the Moine Geology of Scottish Highlands, Excursion 11: the Moine thrust belt at Loch Eriboll, eds Allison I. May F. Strachan R. A. (Scottish Academic Press, Edinburgh), pp 195–215.
5. Butler R. W. H. (2009) in Lewisian, Torridonian and Moine Rocks of Scotland. Moine Thrust Belt: introduction, Geological Conservation Review Series, eds Mendum J. R. Barber A. J. (Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Peterborough), pp 231–249.